
英語長文読解入門 10 実践編!

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「英語長文読解入門 10 実践編!」


英語長文読解入門 10 実践編


英語長文読解入門 6 パラグラフリーディング!

英語長文読解入門8 スキミング!




(注)【 】パラグラフの数字 〇 英文の数字

① From quiet paths by a stream in a forest to busy roads running through a city, people have created various forms of routes in different places.
② These now exist all around us, and their use is imperative for societies.
③ These routes have enabled people to move, transport things, and send information from one place to another quickly and safely.
④ Throughout history, they have been important in our daily lives.

① Early routes were often formed naturally on land.
② They gradually developed over long periods of time while people traveled them on foot or horseback.
③ A significant turning point in their history arrived when the first wheeled carts appeared in ancient times.
④ Once this happened, people recognized the importance of well-maintained routes.
⑤ Therefore, towns, cities, and entire countries improved them in order to prosper.
⑥ As a result, life became more convenient, communities grew, economies evolved, and cultures expanded.
⑦ The importance of land routes increased further, especially after the appearance of automobiles.

① People have established routes on water, too.
② Rivers and canals have served as effective routes for people to move around and carry things.
③ For instance, in the old Japanese city of Edo, water routes were used for the transportation of agricultural products, seafood, and wood, which supported the city’s life and economy.
④ People have also opened routes across the sea.
⑤ The seaways, which developed based on winds, waves, and coastline geography, were critical for the navigation of ships, particularly in the days when they moved mainly by wind power.
⑥ Using these sea routes, people could travel great distances and go to places they had not previously been able to reach.
⑦ A number of important sea routes emerged, leading to the exchange of natural resources, products, and ideas.
⑧ This, in turn, helped cities and towns thrive.

① People have gone on to open routes in the sky as well.
② Since the invention of the airplane, these routes have made it possible for people to travel long distances easily.
③ They found the best routes by considering conditions such as winds and air currents.
④ Eventually, people became able to travel safely and comfortably high in the sky, and going vast distances only took a small amount of time.
⑤ In fact, people used to need more than one month to travel to Europe from Japan by ship, whereas today they can travel between them in a single day by airplane.
⑥ Owing to the establishment of these sky routes, a great number of people now travel around the world for sightseeing, visiting friends, and doing business.

① Today, we have a new type of route, the Internet, which specializes in the electronic exchange of information.
② By using this worldwide route, people can easily obtain information that once was available mainly from books and face to face communication.
③ They can also instantly send messages to large numbers of people all at once.
④ According to one study, more than 3.5 billion people, which is about half of the global population, have access to this electronic route today.
⑤ As technology advances, more and more people will take advantage of this route to gather information and communicate.

① As long as there have been people, there have been routes to connect them.
② These have contributed not only to the movement of people, things, and information, but also to the development of our communities, economies, and cultures.
③ Routes have played significant roles in the development and prosperity of humankind.
④ Currently unknown routes will surely take us even further in the future.

問1 According to paragraph (2), which of the following statements is


① Early routes were created by people who traveled by wheeled carts.

② People’s first routes on land followed the growth of towns and cities.

③ The development of land routes led to progress in many areas of


④ The improvement of routes resulted in the invention of the automobile.

問2 Why is the example of Edo introduced in paragraph (3)?

① To describe the difficulty of creating routes on the water.

② To emphasize the fact that it was an important city.

③ To explain the use of water routes to move along the coastlines.

④ To illustrate the important routes of water routes for cities.

問3 What does paragraph (5) tell us about routes?              

① Routes can be thought of as existing invisibly in the world.

② Routes that move information can be regarded as dangerous.
③ The fundamental functions of routes are declining.

④ The importance of different kinds of routes is the same.

問4 What is the main point of this article?

① Humankind first created various types of convenient routes on land.

② Improvements in transportation have come at great cost.

③ Technology has interfered with opening up routes around the world.

④ The advancement of humanity was aided by the development of routes.


 問1(  )問2(  )問3(  )問4(  )


1 英文全体をスキミング(Skimming)



  【1】Ⅰ Introduction(序論)
  【2】Ⅱ Body ①(展開)
  【3】Ⅱ Body ②(展開)
  【4】Ⅱ Body ③(展開)
  【5】Ⅱ Body ④(展開)

  【6】Ⅲ Conclusion(結論)

2 英文全体の
  Theme(=テーマ)& Main Idea of the Essay(=筆者の主張)

  【1】Ⅰ Introduction(序論)より

  ① various forms of routes (様々な形態の路)

  Main Idea of the Essay(=筆者の主張)
  ④ Throughout history, they have been important in our daily lives.



3 先に問いをチェック その際、選択肢は読まない

問1 According to paragraph (2),
   ~によれば 段落 (2) 

   which of the following statements ● is true?
   どちら      下記の陳述     本当の 
               (注)● もともと名詞があった場所!  

  第2段落 正しい陳述

問2 Why is the example of Edo introduced in paragraph (3) ■?
   なぜ      例     江戸 導入される 段落 (3)
                (注)■ もともと副詞があった場所!
  第3段落 江戸の例が導入された理由?

問3 What does paragraph (5) tell us ● about routes?
   何     段落 (5)  伝える 私たち ~について 路
                (注)● もともと名詞があった場所!

  第5段落 路について伝えている内容?

問4 What is the main point of this article?
    何      要点      この記事 

  この記事の要点? 文章全体を通しての主張?

4 スキャニング(Scanning)



問1 According to paragraph (2),
   ~によれば 段落 (2) 

   which of the following statements ● is true?
   どちら      次の陳述      本当の 
               (注)● もともと名詞があった場所!  


① Early routes were often formed naturally on land.
② They gradually developed over long periods of time while people traveled them on foot or horseback.
③ A significant turning point in their history arrived when the first wheeled carts appeared in ancient times.
④ Once this happened, people recognized the importance of well-maintained routes.
⑤ Therefore, towns, cities, and entire countries improved them in order to prosper.
⑥ As a result, life became more convenient, communities grew, economies evolved, and cultures expanded.
⑦ The importance of land routes increased further, especially after the appearance of automobiles.


① Early routes were created by people
  最初の路 生み出された ~によって 人々  

  who ● traveled by wheeled carts.
     移動した ~によって 車輪のある荷車
   (注)● 名詞の欠落!

  【2】② 内容と一致しない → ×

②                            towns
  People’s first routes on land followed the growth of  and  .
                  →          cities
  人々の最初の路     陸地   次に来た 発展      都市 
   S[結果]                 O[原因] 

  【2】⑤⑥ 設問の因果の関係が逆で、内容と一致しない → ×


③ The development of land routes led to progress
    発展    陸路  つながった  発展  
    S[原因]              O[結果] 

  in many areas of society.
    多くの地域  社会  

  【2】⑤⑥ 内容と一致する → 〇 

④ The improvement of routes resulted in the invention
     進歩     路    帰着した   発明   
  S[原因]         O[結果]

  of the automobile.

  【2】⑦ 陸路の重要性は、特に自動車の出現によってはるかに増した
  内容と一致しない → ×

  問1 正解は、③

問2 Why is the example of Edo introduced in paragraph (3) ■?
   なぜ    例     江戸 導入される 段落 (3)
       =キーワード   (注)■ もともと副詞があった場所!


① People have established routes on water, too.
② Rivers and canals have served as effective routes for people to move around and carry things.
③ For instance, in the old Japanese city of Edo, water routes were used for the transportation of agricultural products, seafood, and wood, which supported the city’s life and economy.
④ People have also opened routes across the sea.
⑤ The seaways, which developed based on winds, waves, and coastline geography, were critical for the navigation of ships, particularly in the days when they moved mainly by wind power.
⑥ Using these sea routes, people could travel great distances and go to places they had not previously been able to reach.
⑦ A number of important sea routes emerged, leading to the exchange of natural resources, products, and ideas.
⑧ This, in turn, helped cities and towns thrive.


① To describe the difficulty of creating routes on the water.
  ~ために 述べる 困難   生み出す  路   海
          [-]マイナスイメージ  (=海路)

 本文に記述なし → ×(内容と合致しない)

② To emphasize the fact that it was an important city.
 ~ために 強調する 事実 それ 重要な都市

  本文に記述なし → ×(内容と合致しない)

③ To explain the use of water routes to move along the coastlines.
  ~ために 説明する 使用  水路  移動する ~に沿って 海岸線

   内容と一致しない → ×

④ To illustrate the important routes of water routes for cities.
 ~ために 説明する 重要な路       水路 ~へ 都市

  【3】③ 内容と一致する → 〇

  問2 正解は、④

問3 What does paragraph (5) tell us ● about routes?
   何     段落 (5)  伝える 私たち ~について 路
               (注)● もともと名詞があった場所!  

① Today, we have a new type of route, the Internet, which specializes in the electronic exchange of information.
② By using this worldwide route, people can easily obtain information that once was available mainly from books and face to face communication.
③ They can also instantly send messages to large numbers of people all at once.
④ According to one study, more than 3.5 billion people, which is about half of the global population, have access to this electronic route today.
⑤ As technology advances, more and more people will take advantage of this route to gather information and communicate.


① Routes can be thought of as existing invisibly in the world.
  S´                 → P´ 
  路 ~ありうる 考えられている 存在している 目に見えないように 世界

  【5】① 内容と一致する → 〇 

【読解鉄則】 SVOの受動態
 第5文型 SVOは、O(目的語)とC(補語)に必ず
 S´→ P´(意味上の主語→述語)の関係がある! 
 S think of O as C 「SはOを と考える」 【能動態】
    →  ~として
         S´→ P´
 S be thought of as C「Sはと考えられる」【受動態】
 S´         → P´

 (参考)第5文型 S+V+O+Cのバリエーション②の受動態
 (=第8文型 S + be Vp.p.(過去分詞) + C(=補語))

 【ブログ】ついてるレオさん"Happy English School"学校.gif    
   英文読解入門 1 序論&基本5文型+α! ( 9 27 2021)

② Routes that ● move information can be regarded
  路     移動させる 情報 ~ありうる みなされる
      (注)● 名詞の欠落!
  as dangerous.
  → P´
  本文に記述なし → ×(内容と合致しない)

【読解鉄則】 SVOの受動態
 第5文型 SVOは、O(目的語)とC(補語)に必ず
 S´→ P´(意味上の主語→述語)の関係がある! 
 S regard O as C 「SはOを とみなす」  【能動態】
    → ~として
       S´→ P´
 S be regarded as C 「Sはであるとみなされる」【受動態】
 S´        → P´

③ The fundamental functions of routes are declining.
     基本的な機能     路      減りつつある

  本文に記述なし → ×(内容と合致しない)

④ The importance of different kinds of routes is the same.
    重要性    異なる種類の路        同じ

  【5】④⑤ 350億人という全世界のおよそ半分の人口が利用できて、

        内容と一致しない → ×

  問3 正解は、①

問4 What is the main point of this article?
   何      要点      この記事


① As long as there have been people, there have been routes to connect them.
② These have contributed not only to the movement of people, things, and information, but also to the development of our communities, economies, and cultures.
③ Routes have played significant roles in the development and prosperity of humankind.
④ Currently unknown routes will surely take us even further in the future.


① Humankind first created various types of convenient routes on land.
  人類 最初に 生み出した さまざまな種類の便利な道 陸地

  第2段落だけの記述 設問の内容と一致しない → ×

② Improvements in transportation have come at great cost.
  進歩       輸送      生じている  多大な費用  

  本文に記述なし → ×(設問の内容と合致しない)

③ Technology has interfered with opening up routes around the world.
  技術     妨げてきた   切り開く  路  ~の周り 世界
  本文に記述なし → ×(設問の内容と合致しない)

④ The advancement of humanity was aided by the development of routes.
   進歩       人類   助けられた ~によって  発展    路

  【6】②③ 内容と一致する → 〇

  問4 正解は、④

 【正解】 問1 ③ 問2 ④ 問3 ① 問4 ④


※ 【構文解説】&【主題進行】はこちら
  英語長文読解入門 7 パラグラフリーディング!【演習解答・解説】



 スラッシュリーディング(Slash Reading)
 パラグラフリーディング(Paragraph Reading)





 Practice makes perfect!228.gif


 これで 英語長文読解入門を終わります  (^.^)


 速読速解のコツ! 前編 (10 15 2015) 
 速読速解のコツ! 中編 (10 16 2015) 
 速読速解のコツ! 後編 (10 17 2015) 

 【ブログ】ついてるレオさん"Happy English School"学校.gif
 大学入試センター試験 英語(筆記) 第6問 ( 1 13 2017) 
 ※ 2015年の大学入試センター試験を例にあげています

 2017年 大学入試センター試験 英語(筆記) 第6問 ( 2 23 2017) 
 2018年 大学入試センター試験 英語(筆記) 第6問 ( 1 15 2019) 
 2019年 大学入試センター試験 英語(筆記) 第6問 (10 10 2019) 



加藤 恭子(かとう きょうこ)ヴァネッサ・ハーディ(著) 講談社現代新書

(1992年11月20日 第1刷発行)
(1993年1月25日  第2刷発行)


英文読解講座 [新装復刊] .JPG

英文読解講座 [新装復刊]
高橋 義昭(たかはし よしあき)(著) 研究社

(1986年12月10日 初版発行)
(1996年12月2日 10刷発行)
(2010年6月1日 新装復刊)
(2014年12月5日 5刷発行)


英文和訳講座 [新装復刊] .JPG

英文和訳講座 [新装復刊]
高橋 義昭(たかはし よしあき)(著) 研究社

(1990年1月15日 初版発行)
(2010年6月1日 新装復刊)
(2015年2月13日 新装4刷)


英文解釈の技術 [CD付新装改訂版].JPG

英文解釈の技術100 [CD付新装改訂版]
杉野 隆(すぎの たかし)・桑原 信淑(くわはら のぶよし)共著 桐原書店

(1991年7月30日 初版第1 刷発行)
(2008年8月20日 初版第47刷発行)
(2009年2月10日 新装改訂版第1刷発行)
(2011年1月10日 新装改訂版第7刷発行)



英文精読へのアプローチ ミクロとマクロの視点から
太 庸吉(ふとり ようきち)(著) 研究社

(2009年11月1日 初版発行)
(2021年6月18日 5版発行)



英文読解に必要な精読の力150.gifを身につけるのには最適な一冊です (^.^)







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